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Village Notices - April 2024

Updated: Apr 4, 2024

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Allotments Ash Die-Back Appeal

Jack Deverell, Antony Firth and David Willis, the Trustees of the Walter Allotments Trust would like to thank all who donated to the recent appeal. We are deeply grateful for the generosity showed by so many.

So far £3,550 has been raised. This has paid the £2,450 bill for felling ash trees threatening the road on Sutton Hill. That this has been done has secured the immediate future of the allotments and provided funds to deal with other trees that will need to be felled in the longer term.

We have been heartened by the support shown for the allotments by people in Sutton Mandeville and others who made donations from adjoining villages. Thank you.


There is half a plot available for rent in Sutton Mandeville allotments. (£15.00 to cover until Jan 25). Apply Jack Deverell:

Annual Public Parochial Church Council Meeting

The Annual Public meeting of the Sutton Mandeville PCC will be held in All Saints‘ Church, Sutton Mandeville, on Mon 13 May at 7pm.

There are also vacancies for members of the Parochial Church Council(PCC).

The PCC is responsible for the maintenance of the building and fabric as well as supporting the services. The church needs the support of the village if it is to prosper and the PCC has a key role to play.

Please apply to Jack Deverell:


Evensong at 6pm on the first Sunday of the month resumes on 7 April.

Such a service will have been conducted in All Saints’ since it was founded in the 13th century and in its present form since the 17th century. Please support it and the future of this beautiful church.

Summer Schedule for Church  Services

All Saints’ Church, Sutton Mandeville.

From 7th April there will be three services per month.

  • First Sunday 6.00pm Evensong from the Book of Common Prayer.

  • Second Sunday 9.30am Morning Service

  • Third Sunday 4.00pm All Age Service

Families welcome at all services

On certain Sundays during the year, Morning Service will be replaced by a parish communion service. The dates of these will be published in advance.

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