Storm Darragh is due to bring strong winds and rain to Wiltshire in the coming days. There is currently a yellow warning of wind in place for later today (5 December) and further yellow warnings of both rain and wind in Wiltshire in place for the coming days, though this may change. As this follows Storm Bert and the recent heavy rain, there may be a risk of some localised flooding as the ground is already saturated.
Please remind your communities to keep an eye on the Government’s flood alerts and warnings webpage for the latest information. They can also sign up for flood warnings and find out about what to do when warnings/alerts are in place.
It’s important that people take care on the roads and drive to the conditions. Anyone driving on Wiltshire’s roads over the coming days should remain vigilant of surface water and not attempt to drive through any floodwater.
Please report any weather-related issues such as fallen trees or flooding to us using MyWilts.
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