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Minutes - Parish Council Meeting - 21 Sep 2022



including Sutton Row and Lower Chicksgrove

DRAFT MINUTES of a meeting held on 21st September 2022 at 7.30pm in the Church- subject to later approval by Councillors

PRESENT: Cllr. H. Collins Chair, Cllr. Mrs. K. Clutterbuck Vice - Chair, Cllr. Mrs. C. Cartwright, Cllr. M. Charlick, Cllr. Howe, Mrs. J. Childs, Parish Clerk

7 residents were present

The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.

1. APOLOGIES: had been received from Cllr. N. Najjar,WC.

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS: No interests declared.

3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS: A resident enquired about whether a car park of hard core and fencing installed in a field required planning permission for change of use. The Clerk had passed this query to Development Management and the response had indicated that this could be the case. Cllr. Mrs. Clutterbuck agreed to speak with the landowner to clarify his intentions.

Concerns were expressed about the poor road surface of Panters Road. The number of potholes was causing drivers to drive in the centre of this narrow and bendy road which could well result in an accident. The Clerk was asked to enquire of Highways, why signage had been put up in December last year indicating a road closure and road works, but then removed without the work being carried out.

Further concerns were raised about the overhanging trees in Glasses Lane, which could damage overhead cables including telephone and internet. The Clerk was asked to write to the landowner to request remedial action.

The meeting was informed by members of the PCC that the position of All Saints Church was becoming unsustainable, not just in terms of cost in maintenance, but also in terms of numbers worshipping. Communion and Evensong services were held once each month with a congregation of up to 8 or 9. The PCC accepted that this reflected the situation in many churches but felt that they would like to manage the decline of All Saints Church. They accepted that closure would mean a loss to the community, but believed it would be necessary for residents to come forward to take on the mantle of running the Church. The PCC would determine their way forward in November.

The Chairman thanked the PCC for this sombre and sober report. All residents present expressed regret and recalled the special services such as Carol Services which had brought together the whole community.

4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS HELD ON 9th May 2022: These were signed as a true record.

5. MATTERS ARISING: There had been no progress on the matter of a possible resilience plan for the parish.

All other matters would be addressed as agenda items.

6. WILTSHIRE COUNCIL: WILTSHIRE COUNCILLOR'S REPORT: There was no report, but Cllr. Najjar was happy to receive any queries from the Parish Council.

7. AREA BOARD/CATG: The next meeting of the Area Board would take place on 5th October.

The Clerk had not attended the meeting of the Local Highways and Footpath Group. HGV signage was still awaited and was now scheduled for October.


a) Three cheques were signed totalling £247.00

b) Expenditure for the year 2021 - 2022 remained in line with budget expectations


a) Rights of Way (ROW): Cllr. Mrs. Cartwright reassured all that the pedestrian gates had been ordered and were awaiting fitting all organised by the ROW Officer. Work was in progress on clearing SMAN31 of fallen trees. Some thinning of trees is expected in the autumn /spring. Contact has been made with the Chilmark Estate with a view to possibly reinstating a permissive way through estate land to link TEFF13 with SMAN27. The definitive map has been amended to show access from Sutton Hill to SMAN 17, joined along the track by SMAN8. There is an issue with the exit of SMAN17, which rounds the rear of the Cemetery.

Councillors thanked Cllr. Mrs. Cartwright for her work.

b) NOTICE BOARDS: Councillors were delighted with the work carried out to repair and restore the three notice boards belonging to the Parish Council. Thanks were expressed to Cllr. Mrs. Clutterbuck and to Mr. Wilson for these improvements.

c) FINGER POSTS: The Chairman was concerned about some deterioration in the condition of the three armed finger post at Ham Cross. Cllr. Mrs Clutterbuck would, once more, speak with Mr. Wilson to see whether maintenance of the fingerposts was something he would be prepared to undertake.

10. PARISH WEBSITE: Lack of time prevented Cllr. Charlick from making his report, but all Councillors felt that the website was a massive asset and had much improved communication within the parish. Cllr. Charlick reminded the meeting that he would appreciate the issue of a bank card to enable him to settle online bills associated with the website.


At a Planning Meeting to discuss PL/2022/06406 held prior to the Parish Council Meeting, concerns had been expressed about the conversion of two barns to permanent residences, a change from proposals which had received approval in 2018. Councillors agreed to forward their considered response to WC by the due date, 05/10/2022.

A planning meeting would be held on 10th October at 6pm in the Church to discuss PL/2022/06789 , the retention of the existing awning at the Compasses Inn. There had also been a request for a licence at the Stalls, Manor Farm, allowing the sale of alcohol as well as permission for an event on New Years Eve with music on this occasion.

12. CORRESPONDENCE: There was no additional correspondence.

13. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: There was no further business.


The date of the next Parish Council meeting would be on the 21st November at 7.30 pm in the Church. The budget for the financial year 2023 – 2024 would be discussed and a provisional precept would be set.

The meeting closed at 9.35 pm


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