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Minutes - Parish Council Meeting - 11 Sep 2023



including Sutton Row and Lower Chicksgrove

DRAFT MINUTES of a meeting held on 11th September 2023 at 7.30pm in All Saints Church, Sutton Mandeville - subject to later approval by Councillors

PRESENT: Cllr. H. Collins Chair, Cllr. Mrs. K. Clutterbuck Vice-Chair,

Cllr. M.Charlick, Cllr. M.Howe, Mrs. J. Childs Parish Clerk.

Cllr. N. Najjar WC was present for the first part of the meeting

1 resident was present

The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.

1. APOLOGIES: No apologies had been received

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS: No interests declared.

3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS: There were no issues raised.

4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS HELD ON 22nd May 2023: These were signed as a true record.

5. MATTERS ARISING: The Clerk reported that the drains in Lower Chicksgrove had been cleared and jetted.

The Parish Council had been advised by Wiltshire Council (WC) that they could proceed with the cooption of a new councillor.

WC had forwarded a map showing land owned by WC in Sutton Row – it was felt by WC that the current signage, Narrow Road with Passing Places, was sufficient and no action would be taken to further indicate passing places.

There had been no response from Chilmark Estates to a request from the Parish Council that the fencing be tidied and kept free of vegetation to improve the sightline for all road users at the junction of the C24 with the road to Fovant. The Clerk was asked to write a formal letter stating the Parish Council’s point of view.

6. WILTSHIRE COUNCIL: WILTSHIRE COUNCILLOR'S REPORT: Cllr. Najjar confirmed the rejection of the proposed Tisbury Station Development on appeal.

The WC Local Plan, concerning new development, the number of houses proposed and where they were to be built, was available for consultation. The number of proposed new houses had been reduced. Sutton Mandeville fell within the Small Villages Scheme.

Milestones was the new contractor for Highways maintenance: there had been teething problems with the new contract, particularly concerning the safe working of Parish Stewards on rural roads but these were being resolved. Cllr. Najjar believed the new contract had been better structured than its predecessor. Cllr. Najjar had circulated a list of tasks which the Parish Steward was able to tackle.

Cllr. Najjar believed policing of speeding vehicles had much improved: 2500 dangerous driving notices had been issued over the summer and information provided by SIDS had been made good use of.

Area Board funding was available, generally for capital projects.


(LHFIG) (ex CATG): The next Area Board meeting would take place on September 20th at Broadchalke Village Hall.

The Clerk had attended the LHFIG meeting held on September 6th. HGV signage was now scheduled for 25-26th September.


a) Three cheques were signed totalling £310.08

b) Expenditure for the year 2022 - 2023 had remained in line with budget expectations. Sums reserved for pedestrian gates and HGV signage remained unspent.


Rights of Way (ROW): Five Pedestrian gates had been successfully installed by the on Sutton Mandeville Footpaths. Councillors expressed thanks to Alex Howson and his Heavy Gang team as well as to Mr. John Spencer for his preparatory work, and to former councillor Mrs Claire Cartwright. The gates were being well used and enjoyed.

The Chairman thanked Cllr. Mrs Clutterbuck for overseeing the final stages of the project above and for her willingness in taking on responsibility for ROWs.

The Clerk would chase a completed Highways/Footpaths Request which would be considered by LHFIG for the installation of steps and hand rail to assist with pedestrian descent from SMAN9 to Rectory Road.

Finger Posts: The Parish Steward had suggested the placing of a protective guard around the bases of finger posts to prevent damage by the strimmer. Councillors would consider whether this was the best way to preserve the paint and wood.

All Saints Community Group: Cllr. Mrs Clutterbuck reported that as a result of the Coronation Picnic a sum of £618 had been donated to Salisbury Hospice whose Community Fund raiser had written a delightful letter of thanks.

10. PARISH WEBSITE: Cllr. Charlick reported that there were now 55 subscribers to the website. It was proving most useful in passing on valuable information. Cllr. Charlick would much like to update information available about the Sutton Badges and the work of the Sutton Heritage Trust.

11. PLANNING: The appeal made to the Planning Inspectorate about land adjacent to The Stables had been dismissed.

There was a current retrospective re-application for storage at Ham Cross and the Engine Shed. The Parish Council had reiterated its previous response adding that the fencing required considerable tidying or even shifting to render it more appropriate for land within the AONB and to ensure improved visibility for drivers and pedestrians at the junction of the C24 and the road to Fovant by allowing ease and safety of cutting by the Parish Steward.

12. CORRESPONDENCE: There was no additional correspondence.

13. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: There was no further business.

14. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING: The next Parish Council Meeting would take place on the Monday November 27th 2023 at 7.30 pm at The Stalls Cafe, on the A30. The budget and provisional precept for the financial year 2024 – 2025 would be discussed.

The meeting closed at 9 pm.


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