All Saints Church Draw
Thank you for supporting the church draw over the last year 2023-4. During this time we have raised over £800, which has been a great help towards funding the general maintenance of the church. As you know this sort of work is ongoing and the Church Draw funds are an important source of income for All Saints Church.
I hope you will continue your support of the church draw by renewing your subscription.
The price remains the same: £24 for a number for the year (£2 per month) and the prizes remain the same too: 1st £40, 2nd £20 and 3rd £10
Payment can be made by cheque or by BACS /online banking (details on the form below).
If you renew by online banking, please let me know how many numbers you
have renewed so I can make sure they
are in the April draw.
Each year we ask all subscribers to pay for all 12 months by 31st March - ready for April’s draw. Please complete the form below and return it to me at the address on the form or contact me on kateclutterbuck5@gmail.com to confirm your renewal (if paid through online banking).
Thank you again for your continued support.
Best wishes
All named applicants must be over 16 years old.
A draw will determine the number allocated to each applicant, this number will be entered in each draw for the next 12 months.
All numbers must be held for 12 months.
All winners will be advised directly and prize money will be provided to the contact address by the 10th of the month following the draw.
The results will be published online in the Village Buzz Magazine: village-buzz.co.uk and on paper on the village noticeboard near the Church
If demand exceeds/does not meet 125 numbers the organizers have the right to increase/decrease the prize money, the relationship of prize money to revenue will be maintained.
The balance of the revenue after prize money and costs will be provided to the Parochial Church Council for use in maintaining All Saints Church.
The draw can be discontinued with two months’ notice and any overpayment will be refunded in full.
The accounts of the draw will be subject to an annual independent inspection and will be lodged with the PCC minutes and displayed on village notice boards.